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[TYRONE HAND] Male / Principal / African American / early 20's about 6'7" Tall, Ruff, Muscular, Extremely-Macho, Hardcore-Thug, Bisexual Down-Low NCAA-Basketball-Player, Athlete, NBA-Potential-Number-One-Draft-Pick, Gang-Banger, Under-Ground-Rapper impregnates his private/secret Gay-Boy/Homie-Lover-Friend, who turns out to be a Rare One-Of-A-Kind Reproducing  Intersexual,  with an internal Female Organ. Tyrone has an Emotional Tug-of-War with himself as his creeping around with Randy, the now pregnant Gay-Boy, is suddenly exposed by the pregnancy, which can not be aborted according to their Doctors. The Pregnancy and his now publicly exposed Gay Relationship with Randy threaten his potential career as an NBA Player when he graduates college in a few months. His internal battles take a turn for the worst when pressure and scorn increase from his Mother, Abigail, who wants him to get rid of Randy and go with or marry Ivanya, his Ex-Girlfriend, whom he (Tyrone) dumped because she aborted his child a couple of months ago per her mother's order. While his Father, Ronald, stands by him and provides him a bit of emotional support, grave danger comes in voluminous amounts from his Gang Homies, who wants him to stop seeing Randy and get rid of/kill him (Randy) or else they'll kill him. The Gang stops at nothing to make their presence felt in his (Tyrone's) life, where One of His Close Home-Boys, Rakim, who plots against him and Randy with his (Tyrone's) ex-Girlfriend, Ivanya, who is out to kill Randy and get Tyrone back. Tyrone's engagement with all things promiscuous, drug-use (to escape reality) and a chauvinistic lifestyle that includes drug-dealing land him behind bars a few times, which compounds on his issues of Randy's Pregnancy and his (Tyrone's) soul-searching for himself as a Bisexual Man on the Down-Low. At the end of the day, regardless of his Mother's scorn, ex-Girl's conniving plot to kill Randy and His Gang Homies' trifling plot to kill him, Tyrone sticks by Randy's side, declares his love for him and vows to see Him through his Pregnancy and to share the rest of his (Tyrone's) life with him (Randy) at their Wedding Ceremony, where he promises to be there to Raise their Septuplets. [WADROBE] Hood Gear, Dickies Apparel, Tank-Tops, Jeans, Baseball Hats, Converses All Star Sneakers with fat laces, Sports Sweats Suits, Basketball Shorts, Bling-Bling. Occasional Dress-Shirts Suits/Clothes during Basketball Games.

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